21 February, 2014

Eldar Unit Review: Farseer

The Farseer is seen by many to be the stereotypical eldar, and it does have many uses in an eldar army. With a mastery level of 3 and access to 3 tables (the eldar runes of fate, divination and telepathy) Farseers are one of the most powerful psykers in the game. Divination is a very powerful table, generally providing support to other units. Telepathy is much more aggressive, hopefully using the enemies poor leadership against them. Runes of Fate is much less focused and though it has a few good powers (doom that lets you re-roll to wound, guide which lets you re-roll to hit and fortune to re-roll saves) the rest are generally useless or just inferior to those from the telepathy or divination disciplines.

The farseer does not have a wide range of upgrades though. Other than the remnants of glory they may take either a singing spear and/or a bike as well as two sets of optional runes. The singing spear provides a S:9 AP:- shooting attack and so is well worth it if you have the points spare (there is literally no downsides to it).
The bike is another great option. Granting +1 toughness and 3+ armour as well as crazy speed the bike is perhaps the best option in the entire codex. Making the farseer much less vulnerable to instant death massively improves the units survivability and the extra speed allows it to keep up with what ever you want.
However in contrast to these two great options the two runes are far less attractive. Costing as much or close to the bike they provide some one use psychic effects. The runes of warding are probably a waste as the boost to your deny the witch is  rarely critical. Meanwhile the runes of witnessing is better as it does let you guarantee that you will pass a certain power.  However it is probably only worth it is you have the points spare or your strategy relies around these powers.
The other wargeer which the farseer comes with stock are rune armour (providing a 4++) and a ghosthelm (allowing you to negate a perils for a warpcharge).

At 600 points a single farseer has the capability to buff nearly you entire army if you take a blend of powers from runes of fate and divination. This can be particularly useful if you are are using many cheap models (such as guardians) as the entire unit will benefit from each power. The option to use the farseer offensively is also incredibly powerful at 600pts. With a wide range of telepathy maledictions you can cause havoc to low leadership armies. The best bit about this is that you do not need to choose the tables you roll on until you have seen you opponents list. This means that you could expect to use the farseer to buff your other units, but if your opponent is particularly low leadership ('nids once synapse is killed) you could instead take several telepathy powers.

Units which make the most of the farseers abilities are either large squads (such as guardians) who will benefit the most from the re-rolls or units which you have to rely on not to fail, such as wraithguard.
 The farseer is also one of the few units which I feel can be used as a successful ally at these points. If used with a Tau army of fire warriors and an ethereal the bonuses that the farseer can give out are immense and can completely negate the use of margerlights at this level.

Sample Armylist: Guardian Based
Farseer with bike, spear and Mantle of the laughing god  160
Warlock x2 with spears x1                                            75
18x Guardian Defenders with bright lance                       182
18x Guardian Defenders with bright lance                       182
Total                                                                            599pts

This list would work by rolling at least 1 runes of fate and 1 divination power on the farseer who would fly solo. By using the primaris of each discipline each squad of guardians would have shrouded (from the warlocks) to increase their survivability and would be able to re-roll to hit, increasing their damage output.

Solo: 4/10
Combo: 9/10
With very little true offensive power, the strength of the farseer lies in increasing the effectiveness of the rest of your army.

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