20 February, 2014

What this is about

Having collected warhammer 40k now for over 2 years I have found that there is very little, if any, advice or even discussion about low point games (particularity in the region of 600pts). Now I am aware that these games are unpopular but having played many I feel that they have their own benefits as well as downsides.

Firstly the most obvious benefit of these games is there short duration. A full 7 turns can often be played in under an hour and often games take far less time. Another benefit that these games have is that they are much more inviting for new players, being able to play them after just a few months of buying their first model.

Recently the 40k community at large has been upset by the recent developments from Games Workshop, with a flurry of new rules (allies, supplements and escalation to name a few). However these changes have had almost no impact at low points levels (after all you can hardly fit in a 500pt superheavy and an HQ and 2 Troops).

I feel that it is this removal from the majority of 1500+ pt games which discourages experienced players from playing at this level (game balance is no further broken than at higher levels) and which results in there being less small games and above all makes it harder for new players to enter the hobby.

The aim of this blog will be to provide advice in general about this points level as well as eventually doing a unit by unit review of every codex. Most of these will be based on either my own experiences using the unit in question or from watching them used against others.

I will endeavor to write often but this may not always be achievable. I hope that you will find the following advice useful and interesting but I am certian that there are far more (and often effective) uses of these units.

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