20 February, 2014

The Force Organisation Chart

The restrictions imposed by the force organisation chart is very different from those placed at higher points games. Normally it is limiting your army due to the maximum number of selections that you can take in each slot. However at 600pts the reverse is true.

Often you will have only a couple of hundred points left, to purchase the more elite units, once you have filled out your mandatory HQ and 2 troops. This then leads to an important concept of army building at this level, is it better to take the cheapest HQ and troops (to leave more points spare for other units); or to make them (the troops and HQ) do the heavy lifting. Now there is very rarely an absolute answer to these questions and it varies between each codex how viable each strategy is (ie. marine troops are much better at dealing with multiple types of units compared with Tau fire warriors).

However the main risk of using minimal troops is that the missions are still mainly objective based. This means that if there were not enough troops in your list, then you may find that they have all been killed by the end of the game, forcing you to win on secondary objectives or by wipeout.

I personally like taking a cheap HQ (preferably who provides support such as a librarian) and then spending about half my points on troops. I feel that this gives the army a strong objective holding backbone as well as leaving points to buy a more specialised unit (such as sternguard veterans with a couple of combi-meltas).

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