22 February, 2014

Eldar Unit Review: Spiritseer

The spiritseer is the leader of the Eldar dead. However coming in at 70pts, the spiritseer is clearly a budget HQ choice for Eldar armies. The spiritseer is a mastery level 2 psyker who knows powers from telepathy and runes of battle. Runes of battle is a nice table, offering reversible powers meaning that there is almost always a target. However perhaps the biggest reason to take a spiritseer (especially at larger point values) is due to their ability to make wraith units troops. This is great, as it makes taking the expensive wraith units far easier now that they fulfil a compulsory slot. To help the wraiths the spiritseer also has the spiritmark special rule. This lets you nominate a close enemy unit and all wraith units re-roll 1s to hit, increasing accuracy.

However there are no true upgrades to speak of, with only the remnants of glory available. However the stock weapon is basically a whitchblade with added soulblaze and the have a 4++. The spiritseer is a great HQ choice for eldar at 600pts (especially if you plan on taking wraiths) as it leaves you plenty of points while still providing some support for your army.

Of course the units which the spiritseer best complements are wraith units as they make full use of the spiritseers rules. However other units can still benefit greatly from the psychic abilities as the spiritseer is effectively a ML2 warlock who knows telepathy.

Sample Armylist: Spiritseer based
Spiritseer                                                                                                                       70
5x Wraithguard with D-sythes in a wave serpent with shuriken cannon and scatter lasers      340
8x Rangers                                                                                                                     96
3x Shadow weaver support battery                                                                                    90
Total                                                                                                                              596

The wave serpent would move forward with the wraithguard to take down the nastiest enemy unit, which they can almost certainly kill. The shadow weavers can cause some serious problems for enemy troops and can generally be a nuance.

Solo: 3/10
Combo: 8/10
Slightly less versatile than the farseer but can still provide a solid psychic backbone to your army.

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